Friday, June 19, 2015

Eighth Assignment... The Last Paragraph

My final assignment is to create a Blog of my own, and post my previous assignments: memes, college logo, lower thirds and animations. (both the safari results and my own creations)

Included  this post is one paragraph about the Gimp software, skills and webtools that I have used and perfected in this awesome class!

A major tool we have developed as a class is reading an article about a graphic and being able to make the connection that we ourselves can make the graphic. For example: We read the article about what defines and explains the memes used today, then we found one on the internet that was personal to us. Doing so, we were conscious of who made the graphics and what the message was. Then using this information we were able to come up with our own. I really enjoyed this way of learning and I will use it as I take the other skills further. Another tool is how simple programs can really be. We learned how to use as well as our phone app memes, Piktochart to relay information using infographs, making GIF's using GIMP or or even apps on our phones, typography sites for making logos and banners, lower thirds using GIMP which was extremely fun and I will be using it for all of my future music videos, powtoons animations for making a video portfolio, and finally blogger to post all of my amazing skills, but most importantly how to save/export the various files and the struggles to finding which files worked best with which programs.

The greatest thing about using these programs is that I can use them to better depict my life, career, and hobbies. I will be using these programs to better my website at as well as add an extra dimension to telling the stories of my life.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Seventh Assignment... Video Portfolio's

From Video Portfolio Safari Jun 11, 2015 9:40am Ashley Grace

 I am in it too! Playing violin :) at 1:41

This portfolio was created by my best friend Katy Rand. She has done so many great things that are featured here. I think a video portfolio would work great with all careers! Even my scientific career. The age of youtube has only been growing, and marketing has taken advantage of that. I could put a video portfolio on my website featuring all of the experiments I have done! I could reenact some that have been in years past, but it would have the same effect :) This is such a great idea to get your work known and also to put a stamp on your uniqueness.

Now I got to make my own Portfolio of sorts!

Sixth Assignment... Lower Thirds!

Lower Thirds CASLE Branding for TV Station Submited June 6 at 4:18pm

And then I played around with the program and made an exclusive lower thirds! 

And finally, I used the lower thirds for a video!!! :D

Fifth Assignment... Typography

from Typography and University Branding Jun 3, 2015 3:42pm Ashley Grace

I would say that this brand does fit what I personally know about the institution. What other people know about the institution is not necessarily the same, and so I can not speak for them!

A similar style would really fit CASL, there are 4 letters and a need of a & sign. It actually fits quite perfectly

So Finally I made my own
It is beautiful, I know XD a little messy but it is fun

Fourth Assignment... GIFS! So Fun :)

from Animated Gifs Online Safari May 29, 2015 3:29pm Ashley Grace This is a Desmid algae (Micrasterias denticulata). If you have taken Plant biology with Dr. Miller you know how cool these algae are! If you haven't, be sure to take his class :)
Basically plants are my favorite thing on this planet! This .gif communicates how exactly this cell reproduces asexually! How cool! :D to learn more go here :D Then Finally I made my own!!

Third Assignment... Infographics! So much fun!

from Infographics - Do they help explain complex concepts? May 18, 2015 12:26pm Ashley Grace

I would say that this infograph does communicate complex data to an audience that understands DNA and how it functions. To those who don't really know what DNA is or anything about agriculture this infograph may be scary. I would say it is a good example of how little we are actually manipulating the plants, and that changing one to four genes in a staple crop is really not going to make you grow a third eye. This could have added more information about the processes mentioned like transgenic, interference, mutagens and cross breeding. Yes cross breeding is considered genetic engineering because you altering the genes even if it is more "natural." Perhaps it could even show why mutagenisis can not find how many genes were actually altered, especially when we have DNA sequencing so readily available to us.

This is targeted to those that have not studied the processes of genetic engineering, and those who are just learning about it. I would say young people in college who are developing their thoughts and personalities would be targeted the most.

And Finally I made my own!

This infograph explains very depressing news but I plan on working towards a solution with my genetic engineering research! Perhaps I could make an infograph about my plan to do that.

Second Assignment... MEMES!!!

from Memes - the visual language of the web May 5, 2015 2:46pm Ashley Grace Like most memes, the origin of this one is unknown. The site this particular photo came from is
alpaca, Claire, modern family, Phil I believe the overall message of the meme is that even adults make ridiculous decisions, and not all adults are good at being responsible. The underlying message is that men are idiots and do not make responsible long term decisions like women of modern society. Personally, I make ridiculous decisions all the time... Like the time I purchased a Mantis Egg Sack and did not close the lid to the enclosure all the way! Little tiny mantis babies got EVERYWHERE. I shouldn't have gotten it in the first place, but then I wouldn't have had that great experience :)

Another Meme that I find amusing is this one from Office Space

And finally a meme that I created myself!! 

I made this meme while I was sitting on the couch watching TV with my family. Our family friends comes over once in a while and falls asleep when ever we watch our family shows! I actually saw a woman in the passenger side of a car while in traffic sleeping in this same manor and the same thought came into my head. "That moment, when your not sure if they are dead or sleeping..."

It was a PERFECT MEME!! I used a photo editor on my phone.

First Assignment... Introductions!

from Welcome to Class! Introduce yourself here... May 7, 2015 11:45pm Ashley Grace
I have minimal experiences with media and animation. Quite a few of my friends have gotten degree's in media and animation, thus I have learned quite a bit from them! I am a professional violinist and genetic engineer, and so I use the media to my advantage. I have my own website (, facebook page (, and I have done media design for my orchestra as well as other volunteer groups. The original image/video I wanted to present was a professional violin video of me playing Air in G, but my videographer has not had time to upload it! So I will use this classless hilarious (well I always think I am hilarious...) video of me at work... or the one that I have been taking 3 seconds of everyday... or one of me playing the violin XD. Don't judge me! This is just for a laugh :)
I have two YouTube channels:

And here are my 3 videos I wanted to share with you! June 17, 2015 1:44pm Ashley Grace I still never got that video from my best friend/videographer!